Aquatic Massage Therapy námskeið í fyrsta skiptið á Íslandi.

Aquatic Massage Therapy námskeið í fyrsta skiptið á Íslandi. 
Námskeiðið verður haldið 21.-25.ágúst 2019 í Mörkinni, Suðurlandsbraut 64, 108 Reykjavík. 8 manns komast að. 
Kröfur: að þú sért fagaðili; sjúkranuddari, sjúkraþjálfari, iðjuþjálfi, þroskaþjálfi, vinnir með fólki í endurhæfingu eða að vinna með fólk í vatni eins og flotþerapíu ofl.

Kennarar: Claudia Salzmann lögg sjúkranuddari frá Kanada og Elsa Lára Arnardóttir lögg sjúkranuddari á Íslandi.


Aquatic Massage Therapy was developed in Canada by Claudia Salzmann, R.M.T. and since 2001 has been used by massage therapists, physiotherapists and body-workers all over North America. This course will be the first time it is offered in Iceland and is limited to 8 students.


Aquatic Massage Therapy is a passive therapeutic treatment utilizing the low gravity provided by hydro-static pressure from the warm water (body temperature) environment of a therapeutic pool. For many types of treatment, it is more suitable than land-based therapies because the client’s body is supported and relaxed by the water. The therapeutic movements are subtle and use a variety of techniques such as range-of-

motion exercises, re-habilitation exercises, massage techniques: including trigger-point, shiatsu stretch techniques, reflexology and cranio-sacral techniques, translated to the medium of water.


For more information and registration:

Visit or contact:

Elsa Lára by email:

or phone: (354) 822-3572